Some pots have drainage holes and other do not – it's as simple as that! Unfortunately, the prettier, nicer looking pots often don't have drainage holes and that can make growing plants a little difficult. Today we'll show you exactly how to plant in a pot without drainage holes successfully!
While some gardeners argue that you should never plant in a pot without drainage holes, it IS actually possible…but you need to be very cautious! If you do decide to do this, you'll need different types of soil and a little bit of extra maintenance! Keep reading to find out how to plant in a pot without drainage holes!
Planting In a Pot Without Drainage Holes

Drainage holes allow any extra water (water that the plant does not need anymore) to seep out. Over-watering of plants is one of the number one ways to kill a plant, and therefore it's important for the water to drain successfully.
Water a Little at a Time
In pots without drainage holes, there is nowhere for the excess water to go, therefore it's super important to water sparingly and only a little at a time. Ensure that you only give your potted plant a little water at a time, wait, check the soil, and then add more if needed.
Create a Drainage Layer
You can easily create a drainage layer by adding stones, pebbles, or pumice at the bottom of your pot. This drainage layer will allow the excess water to leave the soil more quickly and away from the roots so that they do not get damaged or rotten. Sure, water will still linger at the bottom, but at least it won't be in the soil or touching the roots!
Using Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal, aside being used in tons of beauty products, can also act as a medium for a drainage layer. Activated charcoal is able to absorb some of that excess water at the bottom of the pot, which can help a lot especially if you've over-watered.
What to do if you Over-Watered?
Think you may have over-watered your hole-less potted plant? Simply place your hand over the plant and tip the pot over to drain it. It's the quickest and most efficient way to ensure that your plant doesn't sit in a layer of water. Additionally, you should never leave such a pot exposed to rain, so be sure to keep it indoors or on a covered patio.
Use the Right Size Pot
Pots without drainage holes should always be small. Never plant a big plant in a big pot without drainage holes – this will only cause more problems. More soil means more water that can accumulate at the bottom. For bigger plants, simply opt for pots with drainage holes. Small, decorative plants should be the only plants that go in a hole-less pot.
A Pot Inside a Pot
If you feel like this may be too much work for you, but you still want to use a pot without drainage holes, there's another way to go about this! Simply find a plastic pot with drainage holes that will fit inside your hole-less pot. Then, plant directly into the plastic pot and voila!
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These are really good hints. I have origially planted a few of the above mentioned. I had no luck with plants in pots with no holes. Thank you I had been doing it all wrong