If you are new to the gardening world and want to be able to plant and grow veggies, fruits, and plants successfully, you have come to the right place. Today we will show you the top 10 gardening tips for beginners so you can master the art of gardening.
Deciding to start a garden is one of the best decisions you can make, whether it is a vegetable, flower, or herb garden, everyone will benefit from it and enjoy the outcome. With these gardening tips, you will be able to achieve a perfect garden in no time!!
Top 10 Gardening Tips for Beginners
#1. Prepare a Garden Planner

Before planting, planning is everything! You would want to be prepared and making a plan will help you a lot.
You can either prepare some sheets yourself or find some online. There are even apps that can help you plan. For planning, you would want to do the big 3L what to plant, when to plant, companion plants and where to plant.
What To plant and When to Plant:
In this sheet, you can add all the veggies, herbs all plants you are planning to grow and search for the right time to plant all of them individually. After you have the correct information, write it down next to each plant. With this plan, you will be aware of each plant season and it will make it so much easier to plant.
Companion Plants:
Let’s say you want to plant and grow different types of veggies and herbs altogether – that’s probably not a good idea because not all of them can be planted together. While some types of veggies do incredibly well next to other, they can also do poorly next to the wrong ones. Make sure to investigate which veggie, herb, or plant do well together and write it all in a planner sheet. This way it will be easier to plant a big amount of plants.
Where to Plant:
This part is one of the most important when it comes to planting – choosing the right location for your plants is crucial.
For your flowers plants, find out whether they do well indoors or outdoors and write that in your planting planner.
For your veggies and herbs, investigate if they can be planted in a pot, or directly in the ground, as well as the location depending on how much sun they need.
#2. Having the best Soil is the Key

Your plants need all the nutrients the soil can provide, and they also need good soil for stability and drainage.
For a vegetable garden, sandy loam, well-drained soil and organic matter are the best. You can also amend your soil using leaf mold, well-aged manure or compost to improve the ability to hold moisture and drain well.
For a flowering plant garden, sandy soil will be great for most flower plants, but this can change depending on the variety. Make sure to find out which soil goes best with your type of plant.
#3. Start with Easy to Grow Plants

You are new to gardening and the worst mistake you can make is trying to grow a plant that is far too difficult to grow. Try planting easy to grow veggies, herbs, and plants like the ones below.
Easy to grow vegetables: Lettuce, spinach, green beans, cucumbers, yellow summer squash, radishes, carrots, bell peppers and tomatoes.
Easy to grow herbs: lemongrass, chives, mint, parsley, Vietnamese coriander, oregano, thyme and basil.
Easy to grow flower plants: sunflower, sweet peas, nigella (Love in A Mist), aquilegia, eschscholzia (Californian Poppy), nasturtium, marigold and hardy geranium.
#4. Purchase Basic Gardening Tools

To make gardening easier, you will need to get your hands onto a few tools. Check out the list below and see what you need depending on what you are going to plant.
Gardening tools:
- Pruning scissors (for large plants, bushes and flowers)
- Spade (for digging holes)
- Trowel (for digging holes)
- Garden fork (for raking)
- Garden hose (for watering larger plants and trees)
- Watering can (for watering smaller plants and seedlings)
- Gardening knife (for weeding)
#5. Plant Next to a Water Source

Watering is crucial for every plant! Plants need water to grow successfully, and having a water source next to your plants will make it so much convenient when it comes to watering!
Make sure to have a hose with a sprayer, or you can also install a drip irrigation system.
#6. Protect your Seedlings and Bulbs

Once you plant your seeds or bulbs, there will always be creatures trying to munch on them. Thankfully you can always find a way to protect your bulbs and seedlings.
For bulbs, you can use netting over them. Once it's time for them to grow, remove the netting or cut holes to allow the plants to grow.
For seedlings, simply cut a soda bottle (no cap) or a bottle big enough for your seedling in half and place it over your seedlings. Another method is you can use 3 toothpicks around the base of the seedling.
#7. Label your Plants

This tip will work so well with your planner, by labeling your plant you make sure you give each plant their right amount of water and fertilizer if needed.
You can make your own labels or purchase. Either way, your garden will appreciate it and it will look amazing.
#8. Use Containers or Raised Beds

If you don't have enough space in your yard, containers and raised beds are a great option. There are a long list of vegetables, herbs, and plants you can grow in containers.
For plants, containers are the best option and it makes it super easy to move around.
For vegetables, raised beds are the ideal place, but containers can do just as well.
#9. Water, Water and Water

We've already mentioned that watering is crucial with any type of plant you choose to grow. Always remember to give your plant the amount of water needed and at the time they need them. Make sure you note the amount of water your plant needs, in your planner.
#10. Keep Taking Care of your Garden

After you have planted and followed each one of these gardening tips, what's left for you is to enjoy your garden and keep taking care of it. With a garden, there is never an end line. You have to constantly take care of each plant.
Don't worry, this is the fun part, taking care of your garden while watching it grow successfully! Super exciting right?
Follow these gardening tips and prepare yourself to master the gardening world!!
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