These are the 8 best annuals for containers, making them perfect for balconies, small spaces, and patios. If you're looking for annuals that thrive in containers and pots, look no further – these 8 best annuals take the prize! Most of them are pretty low maintenance, will add a splash of color to your outdoor area, and are easy to plant.
#1. Bacopa
These small and delicate white or lavender flowers make the perfect container annuals as they spill over, making for a dramatic effect. Once the bacopa is established, it will flower until the first frost. These do well in full sunlight as well as partial shade.
#2. Callies
Also called Calibrachoa, million-bells, or trailing petunias, these beautiful flowers are very popular because they're so easy to grow. Unlike petunias though, they don't need to be deadheaded to keep them flowering. They will drop flowers on their own and keep going until the first frost. They come in a variety of visually stunning colors from red, orange, bronze, pink, purple, and yellow. Water them well in high heat and place them in an area where they will receive full sun.
#3. Nemesia
The Namesia is a great filler plant because it bushes out well and also grows less than a foot tall. You can plant them directly from seed or purchase them from nurseries. They come in a variety of colors and some varieties are even very fragrant, making them great for patios and backyards.
#4. Fuschia
This hummingbird magnet is a popular choice for anyone that loves hanging pots and containers. These bell shaped flowers come in a variety of colors including pink and purple. Place these flowers in partially shaded areas, especially if summers tend to be very warm. Deadhead spent flowers to prolong bloom and fertilize every 2 to 4 weeks with a water soluble fertilizer.
#5. Black Eyed Susan Vine

The Thunbergia, most commonly referred to as the Black Eyed Susan Vine is a great choice for anyone looking for hanging baskets or vining flowers. They come in a variety of colors including white, yellow, orange, and cream. Bonus: you can bring your plant indoors in the winter, making it a great indoor and outdoor plant.
#6. Ageratum

One of the best annuals for containers, the Ageratum, also sometimes called Floss Flower, will produce tuft-like clusters of blue, white, violet, and burgundy flowers. They do well in partial shade or full sun, and are relatively low maintenance, making them great for window boxes.
#7. Heliotrope

If you're looking for the best annuals for containers that also bring a beautiful fragrance, look no further than the heliotrope. These intoxicating flowers can range in scents from a soft and light baby powder, to sweeter smells such as cherry pie or vanilla. The beautiful purple clusters against the glossy green foliage makes this a visually stunning plant. Water regularly and don't plant too early in the spring as they do not tolerate cool nights.
#8. Osteospermum

A variety of African daisy, the Osteospermum is a beautiful plant that easily grows in sunny areas. They come in a variety of colors, but need to be regularly deadheaded to keep producing blooms. There are also some Osteospermum varieties which have spoon shaped petals instead of the traditional daisy shape.
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