When it comes to the world of succulents, there are literally thousands of different types, ranging from succulents who need a lot of light, to succulents that don't need much at all. Today, we're going to take a look at the top 10 low light succulents that you can grow in your home. But, make sure you don't confuse low light with no light. Low light simply means that a plant will still receive light, but it will not be direct or indirect – it will simply be, however, placed in a well lit room. Remember, that all plants need light in order to make photosynthesis to feed themselves.
That being said, these low light succulents are perfect for places where there might not be a lot of light such as an office, a bathroom, or a room that doesn't have a lot of sunshine come through. And, as you probably already know, succulents are already low maintenance, requiring very little water and care.
10 Low Light Succulents
#1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is possibly one of the easiest indoor plants to care for. They don't require much light or much water, and because of that, they're definitely a favorite of many. Plus, it's always good to have an aloe plant around in case of a sunburn or to treat stomach or skin conditions. Learn more about how to care for aloe vera plants.
#2. Gasteria

This South African plant has adapted well to the indoors, and prefers low light to full indirect light, although it can thrive in both. Give this plant plenty of water, and make sure it's protected from harsh winds or extreme heat. These do well in pots or containers indoors.
#3. Haworthia

Also native to South Africa, the haworthia succulent comprises of many different dwarf succulents who thrive in low light. They closely resemble aloe vera, and are often mistaken as much. This species can look wildly different, from having bright thick leaves, to softer, more translucent leaves.
#4. Echeverias

These visually stunning succulents hail from South America, and they're well loved for their rosettes and exquisite features. The rosettes can vary in shape, size, and color, and the plant itself can be very small or can grow up to 8 inches wide. The leaves can also wildly vary from thin to thick and they also come in different shapes and colors. Echeverias can do well in low light, but they also like a little bit of sun. If kept in low light, make sure not to over-water as they are prone to root rot.
#5. Rhipsalis

Native to the rain forests of Central America, South America, and the Caribbean, this cactus is unlike other succulents. This is because the rhipsalis is a epiphyte, which is a plant that grows on the surface of another plant. Additionally, they grow in rain forests, as opposed to succulents, which usually grow in desert-like environments and require dry, arid climates. These stunning looking plants thrive in low light, but also need regular watering to mimic their rain forest habitat.
#6. Schlumbergera

A mouthful for sure, the schlumbergera is part of a small genus of cacti. Also native to the tropical rain forests of Brazil and other parts of South America, the schlumbergera plant also grows on other plants, like the rhipsalis cactus. Some of the most popular schlumbergera plants include the Christmas Cactus and Thanksgiving Cactus. They make excellent potted indoor plants and can live for a long time.
#7. Kalanchoe

These low light succulents are native to Madagascar, and can come in different shapes and forms. The most popular types of kalanchoe succulents are the small shrubs. They are very easy to grow, as well as low maintenance, and can thrive in low light or indirect light. They're so easy to grow, in fact, that they are nicknamed “Mother of Thousands” or “Mother of Millions”. Their planlets can quickly multiply and grow almost anywhere they land! Plus, they produce some beautiful and colorful clusters of flowers and blooms.
#8. Hoya

Also known as the Hindu Rope or Wax Plant, the hoya plants are known for their thick, heart-shaped leaves and wax-like appearance. Native to Australia, Southern India, and East Asia, the hoya plant grows well in low light and prefer to be indoors and grown in a hanging basket. But, if you grow the hoya in bright light, its leaves will get even brigther!
#9. Snake Plant

The snake plant, also known as sansevieria or Mother in Law's Tongue, is a popular indoor plant that grows well in low light and doesn't need much care. In fact, they make great office plants, because you don't need to water them often at all, and they will pretty much thrive on negligence. Plus, snake plants also help purify the air, and if taken care of properly, can grow up to 5 feet in height!
#10. Ponytail Palm Tree

The ponytail palm tree makes for a stunning and tropical addition to any home, and they're also very low maintenance. And despite their name, the ponytail palm tree is not a palm tree, but a succulent from the Agave family. Be sure to give them fast draining soil, not over water them, and they'll thrive for years to come.
These low light succulents are not only easy and low maintenance, but they also bring about a brightness to any home or office. It is highly encouraged that you fill your space with lots of plants because they help purify the air, and also make the space more pleasant and calming. If you have any pets though, we recommend you research any plant before purchasing it, as many can be poisonous to small animals. Know of any other succulents or cacti that grow in low light that you'd like to share with us? Let us know below in the comments!
You should definitely include the RATTLESNAKE plant. A great plant that is very easy to care for and does well in low light areas with little water requirements.
Thanks for the recommendation Chris!