When it comes to gardening, we all want the same thing: healthy fruits, vegetables, and plants that can be harvested as soon as possible. These 12 quick growing vegetables are a must for any gardener, whether you're a beginner or you've been growing for years. There's nothing quite like being able to harvest something you planted, but even moreso doing it in a very short amount of time.
We've compiled our top 12 quick growing vegetables that you can actually harvest in just under 60 days. So in 2 months, you can go from seed to harvest with these vegetables. Pretty amazing, right?! In a world where we all need instant gratification, these veggies should now be at the top of your list!
The most important thing to remember is that there are different varieties of vegetables. This means that if you want to harvest a particular vegetable in 2 months, you'll have to choose the correct variety. Some carrots, for example, are ready to harvest in 60 days, while other varieties are ready in 85 days.
12 Quick Growing Vegetables
#1. Asian Greens

Asian greens are one of the easiest and most delicious vegetables to grow. They're packed full of flavor, easy to cook, and very nutritious. Plus, they grow super quickly – some of them as early as 45 days!
Fast growing Asian green varieties: Tatsoi (45 days), Joi Choi (50 days), Shuko (45 days).
#2. Green Beans

Green beans are a super versatile vegetable because there are so many different varieties, and they all grow pretty quickly. Furthermore, green beans can produce a LOT of vegetables, even in a small space. For that reason, they're great for the beginner gardener and for small spaces. Can any leftover green beans and enjoy fresh ones in less than 2 months! For a fast harvest, choose bush beans rather than pole beans.
Fast growing green bean varieties: Provider (50 days), Gold Rush (54 days), Royal Burgundy (55 days), Jade (56 days).
#3. Beets

Beets are very easy to grow, and because they're a root vegetable, the entire plant can be consumed, including the greens. In fact, if you've never had beet greens, you should definitely try them as they're very delicious! Plus, they're perfect for juicing!
Fast growing beet varieties: Early Wonder (48 days), Kestrel (53 days), Chioggia (55 days).
#4. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are a fun little vegetable to grow, but you will have to wait until the weather warms to plant them. Unlike other vegetables, cucumbers are warm loving plants, and we suggest you only plant them in summer. Once planted though, they'll quickly grow and you'll be rewarded with fresh, crunchy cucumbers which can be used in salads, sandwiches, and can also be pickled.
Fast growing cucumber varieties: Lagos (45 days), Ronda (50 days), Socrates (52 days).
#5. Carrots

Carrots are one of those must have veggies that you should always plant and that's because you can sow carrot seeds very early, about 2-3 weeks before the last expected frost date. With that said, that means you'll be able to enjoy fresh carrots in as little as 2 months! Store extra carrots in a cellar buried in containers of sand or sawdust.
Fast growing carrot varieties: Mokum (48 days), Amsterdam #2 (55 days), Coral (55 days), Yaya (58 days).
#6. Lettuce

The great thing about lettuce is that you can plant it early, and it's also very forgiving. It doesn't require much maintenance, and can also be grown in partial shade. Additionally, most lettuce varieties will be ready before 60 days, so whichever variety of lettuce you choose, you're almost guaranteed to have a ready harvest in no time!
Fast growing lettuce varieties: Jadeite (50 days), Winter Marvel (52 days), Optima (52 days), Lollo Rosa (58 days).
#7. Chard

Chard is an amazing leafy green that should always have a place in your garden. This is because you can plant it early, and it won't bolt in hot weather like spinach, nor will it dye in cooler weather like lettuce. Another great thing about chard is that it will continuously produce all throughout the season, so you can rest assured you'll have plenty of it all year long!
Fast growing chard varieties: Fordhook Giant (50 days), Bright Lights (56 days).
#8. Spinach

Spinach tends to grow very quickly, and that's why it's a favorite of many gardeners. If your family loves spinach, be sure to plant in cooler weather, such as early spring or early fall.
Fast growing spinach varieties: Bloomsdale (42 days), Oceanside (45 days).
#9. Peas

There are hundreds of different varieties of peas available, but be sure to choose something that you and your family will actually enjoy! Snow peas and snap peas are a favorite and should be planted early in the spring.
Fast growing pea varieties: Strike (52 days), Topps (56 days), Sugar Ann (58 days), Oregon Giant (60 days).
#10. Zucchini

If you're looking for a quick growing vegetable that will also give you a TON of fruit, look no further than zucchini. Go for Green Machine or Black Zucchini – both are fast growers and produce a lot.
Fast growing zucchini varieties: Green Machine (45 days), Black Zucchini (50 days), Cocozelle (53 days).
#11. Radishes

The fastest growing vegetables? Radishes of course! These beautiful veggies are ready in as little as 30 days (and some even earlier!). Remember that they are a cool weather crop, meaning you should sow in early spring or early fall for best results.
Fast growing radish varieties: Cherry Belle (25 days), French Breakfast (26 days), White Icicle (30 days).
#12. Turnips

Turnips grow quickly, and, because they're a root vegetable, you can consume both the tops and the bottom. Plus, they preserve beautifully and make a wonderful addition to any small garden.
Fast growing turnip varieties: Gold Ball (45 days), Purple Top White Globe (50 days).