Have you ever heard of the pomato plant? In these uncertain times, people are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to sustain themselves and their families. That's why a pomato plant is the perfect vegetable to plant this season: it's a tomato plant on top, and a potato plant on the bottom. The half potato half tomato plant aka pomato, is simply a graft of a potato and a tomato plant. Basically, it's a two for one – you get two completely different vegetables in one plant.

The great thing about a pomato plant is that it's actually easy to grow, and best of all, helps you save space in your garden. Keep reading to learn how to grow pomato in your garden!
How to Grow Pomato Plants

There are three different ways you can grow pomato plants: from actual pomato seeds, purchasing an already grown pomato plant, or grafting your own potato and tomato plants together.
Grow Pomato Plants From Seed:
You can choose to purchase pomato seeds online, but a lot of times they can be out of stock, and are particularly hard to find. Simply follow the instructions on the package to grow pomato plants from seed.
Purchase a Grown Pomato Plant:
Alternatively, you can also purchase grown pomato plants, but again, these can be hard to find. We found a grown pomato plant at Walmart, but as of now, it seems to be out of stock. The plant is 4″ high, non GMO, and grows sweet cherry tomatoes on top and white potatoes on the bottom.
Grafting a Pomato Plant:

In our opinion, the best way to grow a pomato plant is by actually grafting the potato and tomato plant together. It's a lot easier than you'd think, and you actually know what you'll be getting! You can start off with a potato purchased from the store, but just make sure it hasn't been treated for sprouting. For the most part, you'll notice that the potatoes from the grocery store will sprout, and that's a good sign.
You'll Need:
- Cherry tomato seeds
- 1 white potato
- Potting soil
- Peat pellets or a flat/shallow pot
- Large container
- Sharp knife
- Grafting tape or plastic wrap
Starting the Tomato Plants:
For this project, you should plant your tomato seeds in a flat or shallow pot. Alternatively, you can grow the tomato seeds in peat pots. You can purchase peat pellets for just a few dollars and follow the instructions to moisten the pellet. The great thing about growing tomato seeds in peat pellets is that they'll perfectly expand to fit your plants. Plant one or two tomato seeds in each pot and keep them consistently moist. Seedlings will sprout in about a week. Learn more about how to grow cherry tomato plants!
Starting the Potato Plants:
Find a large pot or container that is at least 8″ deep. Some gardeners want to show off their pomato plant, so they'll use a clear see-through container! Remember that the container should be large enough to sustain not only your cherry tomato plant on top, but the potato tubers at the bottom.
Fill your pot or container with potting soil. Grab a potato with eyes (sprouts) and cut off a section of the potato that has several eyes. Place the cut piece several inches deep into the soil. Water immediately after planting. It will take about two weeks for your potato to sprout seeds. Learn more about how to grow potatoes.
For best results, we recommend you plant 2-3 poato plants in different containers, just in case the graft fails.
Grafting Potato With Tomato:

Once both of your plants are about 8-10 inches high, they are ready to be grafted to make a beautiful pomato plant. Please note that it may take several weeks for your plants to get to that height, so be patient!
Place your plants side by side so that the stems touch each other. Naturally, it'll be much easier to lift the tomato plant to touch the potato plant as it'll be in a smaller pot. You will graft the top of the tomato plant, which is called the scion, to the bottom of the potato plant, which is called the rootstock. For this, you will need a sharp knife and grafting tape.
- Using a sharp knife, carefully cut into the tomato stem, where you are planning on making your graft. Only cut a very thin sliver, which should be no more than 1/3 the thickness of the stock. When cutting, be careful not to cut through the tomato stem – you're basically just making a very thin slice.
- Repeat this process with the potato rootstock. Be careful with your potato plant as well to not cut through the stem, but only slice.
- Bend the two cut stocks very gently and combine them together so that they touch as closely as possible. See image above.
- Once the cuts match, wrap the cut stems with grafting tape. If you don't have grafting tape, you can also use plastic wrap. Make sure that the stems are secured and in place.
- Move the plants away from sunlight and ensure that the soil is moist.
- Now, keep an eye out for new growth on the top of the tomato plant. There should also be a slight bulging on the side of the graft.
- Once it has completely healed, cut away the part of the potato above the graft site.
- In about 2-3 weeks, once the tomato shows signs of growth, cut away the part of the tomato plant below the graft.
- Cover the plant in a clear plastic bag for several days to give moisture. If the plant looks wilted when you remove the bag, leave the bag on for a few more days.
- Watch your plant again for new growth. Once you see this, you can go ahead and remove the grafting tape or plastic wrap.
- Remove any new growth from the potato rootstock as it grows. If you don't do this, the potato plant will outgrow the tomato plant.
Caring for Your Pomato Plant:

Once your pomato plant is established, you need to care for it. We recommend you grow your pomato plant outdoors in a large bucket once all traces of frost have gone. Hardy off the plant by bringing it outside for just a few hours, and slowly introducing it to direct sunlight. Water regularly.
Eventually, you can transplant the potatoes directly in the garden or in another pot. Do this very carefully and slowly as not to damage either plant.
So now that you know how to grow pomato plants, it's time to roll up your sleeves and get to planting!
How to Grow a Pomato Plant
- cherry tomato seeds
- 1 white potato
- potting soil
- peat pellets or a flat, shallow pot or container
- large container or pot
- sharp knife
- grafting tape or plastic wrap
- In a shallow pot or using peat pellets, plant your tomato seeds according to package instructions. Keep the soil consistently moist and wait for seedlings to sprout. This should take about a week.
- Fill a large pot or container with potting soil, and plant a cut part of a white potato that has several eyes (sprouts). Water immediately after planting and wait for sprouts. This should take about 2 weeks.
- Once both plants are 8-10 inches high, you can start to graft them.
- Using a sharp knife, carefully cut into the tomato stem, where you are planning on making your graft. Only cut a very thin sliver, which should be no more than 1/3 the thickness of the stock. When cutting, be careful not to cut through the tomato stem – you're basically just making a very thin slice.
- Repeat this process with the potato rootstock. Be careful with your potato plant as well to not cut through the stem, but only slice.
- Bend the two cut stocks very gently and combine them together so that they touch as closely as possible. See image above.
- Once the cuts match, wrap the cut stems with grafting tape. If you don't have grafting tape, you can also use plastic wrap. Make sure that the stems are secured and in place.
- Move the plants away from sunlight and ensure that the soil is moist.
- Now, keep an eye out for new growth on the top of the tomato plant. There should also be a slight bulging on the side of the graft.
- Once it has completely healed, cut away the part of the potato above the graft site.
- In about 2-3 weeks, once the tomato shows signs of growth, cut away the part of the tomato plant below the graft.
- Cover the plant in a clear plastic bag for several days to give moisture. If the plant looks wilted when you remove the bag, leave the bag on for a few more days.
- Watch your plant again for new growth. Once you see this, you can go ahead and remove the grafting tape or plastic wrap.
- Remove any new growth from the potato rootstock as it grows. If you don't do this, the potato plant will outgrow the tomato plant.
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