Got a garden full of roses? These 8 rose companion plants make for excellent friends for your roses! Roses are still one of the most popular flowers out there, but adding a few other flowers to your rose garden will make that much more sophisticated!
8 Best Rose Companion Plants
#1. Salvia

Salvia is actually an ornamental sage, but looks oh-so beautiful when planted alongside roses, plus it attracts a slew of butterflies to your garden!
#2. Bronze Fennel

These plants add height and textural intrigue to your rose garden, not to mention they bring in a number of beneficial insects such as butterflies, ladybugs, and hoverflies.
#3. Common Wormwood

These silvery plants look absolutely stunning alongside roses, but just be sure to plant them in well draining soil!
#4. Coreopsis

These showstopping flowers actually bloom for 3 months or longer, which make them excellent rose companions as your garden will be in constant bloom!
#5. Coral Bells

These purple plants look absolutely striking amidst green foliage, and make excellent rose partners. Learn more about how to grow coral bells!
#6. Coneflower

These super colorful flowers will be showstopping to any garden, especially when planted alongside roses!
#7. Phlox

These three foot flower stalks not only add intrigue, fullness, and fragrance, but they'll also attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Learn more about how to grow phlox flowers!
#8. Bearded Iris

You can choose from a slew of different color combinations and add a TON of intrigue to your rose garden. Think of the bearded iris as a sidekick to the rose!
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