Daffodils are always a sign of spring, and bring a joyful and colorful theme to any garden. Daffodils look amazing in any yard because of their bright yellow color. Today we'll show you how to plant, care for, and grow daffodils right in your garden!Daffodils are easy to plant and will grow in almost all of North America, except for South Florida, since the soil is too warm for them. Daffodil bulbs should be planted in the fall so that they will bloom in late winter or early spring.
How to Grow Daffodils

Source: Gardenia
Planting Daffodils:

Source: Gardeningknowhow
- Choose an area to plant your daffodil bulbs. The area should get partial sun and partial shade.
- The soil should be moderately fertile and well drained.
- Choose high quality bulbs. The larger the bulb, the healthier your daffodils will be!
- Plant your bulbs about 2-4 weeks before the ground freezes in the fall.
- To protect them from the winter freeze, plant the bulbs 1 1/2 to 5 times their own depth. If winters are tough, make sure the bulbs are covered with at least 3 inches of soil.
- Space the bulbs 3-6 inches apart.
- Sprinkle a small amount of fertilizer into the hole before placing the bulb inside.
Caring for Your Daffodils:

Source: Nurserylive
- Apply a low-nitrogen, high-potash fertilizer after flowering.
- Water your daffodils in dry spring weather.
- Once bloomed, allow the daffodils to grow until they die off. This will ensure that your bulbs will grow again next season.
- After a few weeks, remove the dead plants by snipping them off at the base.
- Once you've removed the dead plants, apply bone meal to the soil to protect the bulbs for next year.
Happy Planting!