Grapefruit trees may not be the easiest plant to grow, but check out our how to plant grapefruit trees guide below, and in no time, you'll have your very own grapefruit plant! But, before you get too excited, keep in mind that grapefruit are a warm weather crop and so they'll most likely only be successful in USDA zones 9 and up, although you can also try in zones 7-8 with suitable care. Keep reading to learn how to plant grapefruit!

How to Plant Grapefruit

grapefruit tree

Planting Grapefruit:

  • Grapefruit trees prefer well draining, loamy soil.
  • Before planting, amend the soil well.
  • Choose an area with full sun and keep the tree away from walls, buildings, and driveways to allow for growth.
  • You can plant grapefruit trees either in the spring or fall, depending on your area.
  • Grapefruit trees that are planted in the spring must be able to take the heat of the summer, while those planted in the fall must endure the hardships of winter.
  • Dig a hole that's deep and wide to accommodate the grapefruit tree's roots.
  • After placing the tree in the hole, fill back up halfway with soil and press down to release any air bubbles.
  • Water the soil and allow it to settle before filling up with the rest of the soil.

Grapefruit Care:

  • After planting, water every few days for the first 2 weeks.
  • Then, water deeply once a week.
  • Add a light fertilizer during irrigation every 4-6 weeks.
  • Do not prune the tree unless you're removing dead branches.

Harvesting Grapefruit:

  • Usually, grapefruit is harvested during the fall.
  • Once the fruits turn yellow or gold in color, it's time to harvest them!
  • The longer it remains on the tree though, the larger and sweeter it will become.
  • A successful grapefruit tree will have fruit after the third year, and, any fruits that are bore in the first and second year should be discarded.

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How to Grow Grapefruit Trees

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