If you're thinking of growing blackberries, you need to know these tips for growing blackberries that will help you produce the biggest, most flavorful blackberries you've ever eaten! Blackberries are one of the superfoods because they contain antioxidants and a slew of vitamins and minerals which are essential for health. Let's check out these tips for growing blackberries!
7 Tips for Growing Blackberries

Source: Pinterest
#1. Choose the Perfect Spot
Blackberries thrive well in full sun, so choose a spot with full sun! Also, the soil should be rich and have good drainage.
#2. Don't Crowd
Plant each row about 8 feet apart. Blackberries don't like to be crowded, so give them some space so they can grow big and flavorful.
#3. One Plant Per Container
If you're growing blackberries in pots, make sure you only plant one bush per container. Dig a hole that's at least 12-18 inches deep and make sure your pot has good drainage.
#4. Get Rid of Weeds
Blackberries do not grow well around weeds, so make sure that when you do see any weeds, you pick them immediately! This is essential in obtaining a healthy blackberry bush.
#5. Protect Your Blackberries
Since blackberries are so delicious, a lot of critters and small animals may want a nibble or two. To protect your blackberry bush from being eaten, throw a light net over. This will ensure that you'll have blackberries for yourself and your family.
#6. Fertilize
To really get that blackberry bush growing big and healthy, fertilize 3-4 weeks after planting. Use a general fertilizer and follow the instructions on the package.
#7. Harvest
Harvest your blackberries once they reach that deep purple hue and they fall easily off the branch. If possible, try to leave the top of the bush intact.
Happy Planting!