Fear not my fellow gardening gladiators: it's not too late for you to plant in June! If you've missed the boat this season because you were too busy with other things (as we all are!), there's still time! These 10 vegetables to plant in June are late summer bloomers, which means they'll grow beautifully all summer long and you'll have them just in time for the end of the summer or beginning of fall! These 10 vegetables to plant in June are plentiful, easy to grow, and oh so tasty!

You may have missed your chance at tomatoes or bell peppers, but these next 10 vegetables to plant in June are just as good (if not better!).

10 Vegetables To Plant in June in Your Yard

#1. Basil

basil in a pot

Basil is super easy to grow because it thrives indoor as well, so no matter how late you are in the game, it's never too late for basil! Learn more on how to grow basil!

#2. Beans

contender bush beans

Beans are one of those super easy and low maintenance veggies that you can plant almost whenever and wherever.

#3. Beets

beets in garden

Beets are a root vegetable that don't require a lot of care or maintenance, and therefore perfect for planting at a later time. Learn more on how to grow beets.

#4. Carrots

carrots in garden

Carrots are another root vegetable which can easily be planted in late spring. See how to grow carrots successfully right in your backyard!

#5. Chard

swiss chard in pots

Chard can be grown in pots or containers as well, and because they grow quickly can be planted in late spring.

#6. Lettuce

lettuce 300x240

Learn how to grow lettuce in pots or container or right in your backyard. They grow quickly and don't require a lot of maintenance.

#7. Mustard Greens

mustard greens in pot

Mustard greens are one of the best vegetables to grow in late spring because they shoot up so fast and they can easily grow in almost any environment.

#8. Oregano

oregano in a pot

Oregano, like basil, is an easy to grow herb that you can start indoors and then transplant outdoors.

#9. Pumpkin

pumpkin patch

Pumpkin is the perfect vegetable to plant in late spring as it's a fall grower. Just in time for Halloween too!

#10. Squash

Last but not least, squash or zucchini is in the same family as pumpkin and therefore is perfect for a June plant! Learn more on how to grow zucchini.

Happy Planting!

Vegetables to Plant in June

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